Simplicity 7239 Sewing Pattern Babies' Tops, Pants and Hat: The envelope contains patterns and instructions to make a top, panties and a hat in three sizes S (17"), M (18"), L (19").
Size: Extra Extra Small - Extra Small - Small - Medium - Large
Weight: up to 7 lbs. - 7 - 13 lbs. - 13 - 18 lbs. - 18 - 21 lbs. - 21 - 24 lbs.
Height: up to 17" - 17" - 24" - 24" - 26 1/2" - 26 1/2" - 31" - 34"
Copyright: 2002
Pattern is: Uncut, factory folded
Envelope condition: Good
Click the pictures below to view the back side of the envelope. Right click the picture to open in a new tab or window.